Add new channels to Hispasat 30W in biss code


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Add new channels to Hispasat 30W in biss code

Post by panzoncity »

Sorry for my bad English and I don't know If I'm posting this at the correct place at this forum.
Hi! I have a Gtmedia v8pro2 and a Gtmedia V8X. We live in Spain in a mountain and the terrestrial signal is no available. We can watch the spanish channels using the Hispasat 30W and get access to the Abertis Package. The next 14th february 2024, all channels in Sd will dissapear and these channels will transform in HD. I need to talk you that at Hispasat, these channels will appear like "new channels" and we will need to update the firmware of my receivers if we want to keep geeting this channels. For example the channel "Neox" will be "Neox HD" and "Neox" will dissapear. If Gtmedia don't make a new firmware, We will not have access to the new "Neox HD".

Yes, I know that is impossible add manually this channel using DB Editor for Windows, If Gtmedia don't make a new firmware, We will not have access to these new channels.

Yes, I know that V8 pro 2 the lattest version is from 2021, but, Please, can someone make a new firmware to get access to these new channels for V8 pro 2? Pleaseeeeee. At the web site "FlySat" you can get information like vpids. So, please, the next 14th february 2024 I will lost a lot of channels at Hispasat 30W, so please, someone need to make a new firmware. Please. Actually these channels are encrypted usign Biss keys
Perdón por mi mal inglés y no sé si estoy publicando esto en el lugar correcto de este foro.
¡Hola! Tengo un Gtmedia v8pro2 y un Gtmedia V8X. Vivimos en España en una montaña y la señal terrestre no está disponible. Podemos ver los canales españoles utilizando el Hispasat 30W y acceder al Paquete Abertis. El próximo 14 de febrero de 2024, todos los canales en Sd desaparecerán y estos canales se transformarán en HD. Necesito comentaros que en Hispasat estos canales aparecerán como "canales nuevos" y necesitaremos actualizar el firmware de mis receptores si queremos seguir recibiendo estos canales. Por ejemplo el canal "Neox" pasará a ser "Neox HD" y "Neox" desaparecerá. Si Gtmedia no hace un nuevo firmware, no tendremos acceso al nuevo "Neox HD".

Sí, sé que es imposible agregar manualmente este canal usando DB Editor para Windows. Si Gtmedia no crea un nuevo firmware, no tendremos acceso a estos nuevos canales.

Sí, sé que la última versión de V8 pro 2 es de 2021, pero, por favor, ¿alguien puede crear un nuevo firmware para obtener acceso a estos nuevos canales para V8 pro 2? Por favor. En el sitio web "FlySat" puede obtener información como vpids. Así que, por favor, el próximo 14 de febrero de 2024 perderé muchos canales en Hispasat 30W, así que por favor, alguien necesita hacer un nuevo firmware. Por favor. Actualmente estos canales están encriptados usando llaves Biss

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Re: Add new channels to Hispasat 30W in biss code

Post by STRETCH »

With the V8X receiver, what software do you have on your receiver, with them been decoded now they will still decode when they go to HD.
Not to sure about the V8Pro 2 model, it does support HD. May be you can help us here, are the channels been decoded with this receiver.

I would also like to Thank you, for letting us know of the change later next month, i also view channels from the said satellite / package.

Do you know what transponders the changes are going to happen or is it all of them.
It may be that on change over day, you just scan in the transponder/s of the channel/s that will stop broadcasting, or they may add new transponders.


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Re: Add new channels to Hispasat 30W in biss code

Post by panzoncity »

Hello, sorry for the delay.

Currently, I have a GTMedia V8 Pro2 with the latest available version (August 2021), and in another room, I have the V8X with firmware from 2022. In 2022, they added new channels to Hispasat, including TV3, both in SD and HD versions. I can currently receive all channels on V8X. However, since V8 Pro2 hasn't received an update since 2021, it will never be able to open TV3. In fact, when searching for channels, that channel does not appear, but other channels on the same frequency is possible to receive.

In 2023, they added a new frequency, 11502V, and I understand that there is still no firmware for V8X capable of unlocking this frequency. However, it opens the rest well, and V8 Pro2 opens everything except for this new frequency and TV3.

The problem will be that starting from February 14th, even if they are on the same frequencies, these new channels will be impossible to receive on either V8X or V8 Pro2 unless GTMedia decides to release a firmware update for these devices. Therefore, without a new firmware, we won't be able to perform a new search and find those new channels; they simply won't appear.

In fact, other manufacturers are saying they intend to release a new firmware for their products.

I still don't know which frequencies these changes will affect, but if GTMedia doesn't decide to update the devices, we will have to switch to another manufacturer.

Currently, this change has not yet occurred, so we can't do anything yet, but it would be necessary for GTMedia to release a new update for V8Pro2 and for V8X within 1 or 2 months, or GTMedia users will buy a receiver from another manufacturer.

Thanks Den, regards.

Hola, siento la demora.
Actualmente tengo un GTMedia V8 Pro2 con la última versión disponible (Agosto de 2021) y en otra habitación tengo el V8X con un firmware de 2022. En el año 2022 añadieron a Hispasat nuevos canales, entre ellos TV3, tanto en versión SD como en HD. Puedo recibir actualmente todos los canales en V8X, sin embargo, como V8 Pro2 no recibe una actualización desde 2021, jamás podrá abrir TV3, de hecho al hacer una búsqueda de canales, ese canal no aparece, pero sí aparecen otros canales que se añadieron hace más tiempo en la misma frecuencia.
En el año 2023 añadieron una nueva frecuencia 11502V y tengo entendido que aún no existe un firmware para V8X capaz de desbloquear esta frecuencia, sin embargo, el resto las abre bien, y el V8 Pro2 a excepción de esta frecuencia nueva y de TV3 abre todo.
El problema será que a partir del 14 de febrero, aunque sean en las mismas frecuencias, estos canales nuevos será imposible de recibirlos ni en V8X ni en V8 Pro2 a menos que GTMedia decida lanzar una actualización de firmware a estos aparatos. Por tanto, sin un nuevo firmware, no podremos hacer una nueva búsqueda y encontrar esos canales nuevos, simplemente no aparecerán.
De hecho, otros fabricantes están diciendo que tienen intención de sacar un nuevo firmware para sus productos.
No sé aún en qué frecuencias afectará estos cambios, pero si GTMedia no decide actualizar los aparatos, tendremos que cambiar a otro fabricante.
Actualmente este cambio no se ha producido aún, por lo que aún no podemos hacer nada, pero sería necesario que GTMedia lance dentro de 1 o 2 meses una nueva actualización para V8Pro2 y para V8X o los usuarios de GTMedia comprarán receptores de otros fabricantes.
Gracias Den, saludos

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Re: Add new channels to Hispasat 30W in biss code

Post by STRETCH »

I will check out this transponder with my V8X receivers one of which is normal software, the others m4rs, and see what happens.
Will keep you updated as and when changes take place.
Have checked the transponder 11502V 10200, with the V8X receiver with normal software, i get (No Programs Found).

With the V8X receiver with m4rs software, i found four channels one of which was HD, which is a TEST picture giving details.

If you use the V8X receiver just to view satellite TV channels, the best option would be to upgrade your receiver to m4rs software.
Then purchase another V8X or other GTMedia receivers like the V7Pro / V8UHD up date to m4rs, for the other room, which is the cheapest.

The GTMedia receivers do have the software to decode the channels that you require.

Hope this helps


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Re: Add new channels to Hispasat 30W in biss code

Post by panzoncity »

Thank you for the help, I've seen your message on this post,

viewtopic.php?f=38&t=31095&p=146992#p146992 and you indicate that those new channels are impossible to receive on any receiver. Probably something similar will happen on Hispasat next February 14 if GTMedia doesn't release an update, even for the m4rs system, the channels won't be obtained.
Gtmedia need to release a new firmware for m4rs system, I will post here again in one month to ask if is possible to get the new channels. Thanks you

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Re: Add new channels to Hispasat 30W in biss code

Post by STRETCH »

As i have said, you can receive the said transponder with a GTMedia receiver that has m4rs software, one of those channels is in HD, which can be
viewed on the TV screen, will post a photo later, which suggests on the change over you should be able to view other HD channels.

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Re: Add new channels to Hispasat 30W in biss code

Post by panzoncity »

Oh great, but we need to wait if the new channels will be possible to receive using m4rs. I hope that be possible.

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Re: Add new channels to Hispasat 30W in biss code

Post by STRETCH »

With me getting the said picture which is in HD with m4rs software which will become (A9) (Ithink), the other channels A7 / A8 will change to HD
without having to carry out a retune of the said transponder.


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Re: Add new channels to Hispasat 30W in biss code

Post by STRETCH »

By the look of it, some channels on the said transponder has gone over to HD.
On the V8X NON m4rs, TV3 is on 11347h 20857 is in HD.


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Re: Add new channels to Hispasat 30W in biss code

Post by STRETCH »

The film channel BOM, has now changed to HD today.


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Re: Add new channels to Hispasat 30W in biss code

Post by STRETCH »

Have tried to scan this transponder 11502v 10200, after the change over, today, i am getting NO SIGNAL, this is with a 100cm dish here in the UK.
So am unable to confirm if the channels can be scanned in with a V8X with normal software.

Update. Time 1400hrs GMT
Tried this transponder again, found this time i was getting a signal, this is with 100cm / 90cm dishes any smaller you get NO SIGNAL.(at this location).
With the few GTMedia receivers that i have, found that the ones that have m4rs software finds two TV channels and two Radio channels, when after (exit) out to view channels on the screen, i found the the receiver had found (four) TV channels, A7 / A8, which can be viewed OK, the other channels found was (TPA HD) and (TDP) both were Black screens and NO sound.
Hope this helps users out in the wilds.


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Re: Add new channels to Hispasat 30W in biss code

Post by STRETCH »

Can you confirm what channels you wise to view after the update, could they be on other transponders.


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Re: Add new channels to Hispasat 30W in biss code

Post by STRETCH »

With all the channels now changed to HD apart from Palamento 10770H 30000 and Cyl 7 11347H 20858.
Have found that transponder 11502V 10200 with a V8X with NON m4rs software, you get a signal, BUT (NO CHANNELS FOUND).
With the V8X receiver that has m4rs software, on checking transponder 11502V 10200, there are two channels that were found (A7 and A8).

Other information is as follows, with NON-m4rs the receiver scan's in the (La 1 UHD) channel you get sound put NO PICTURE.
The receiver also scan's in the (HEVC) channels, (24HD / La1HD / La2HD, 11222H 30000 which can be view as normal.

Hope this helps users who get there TDT channels via satellite.


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Re: Add new channels to Hispasat 30W in biss code

Post by panzoncity »

I apologize for the delay, I see that you are getting a good signal on the satellite, the signal hasn't changed, and the frequencies are the same. Can you receive the NeoxHD channel via 12548V? Can you receive MegaHD via 12631V? Please indicate if you are receiving it through m4rs or a "non-m4rs" system.

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Re: Add new channels to Hispasat 30W in biss code

Post by STRETCH »

With both transponders here in the UK, just south of Birmingham, i am getting a good signal S91% Q83% for 12548V 29600, For 12631V 30000
I get S91% Q85%, I can view all the channels on both of those transponders, that is with a V8X with normal software V347 dated 25 Sept 2023.
With a dish size of 90cm, Checked again transponder 11502V 10200, NO CHANNELS FOUND.

Can you supply a list of the most used channels that you view, which i then can check.

Hope this helps, if you have got other questions, just ask.


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Re: Add new channels to Hispasat 30W in biss code

Post by panzoncity »

11502 is a television frequency for the "Principality of Asturias," we are from Andalusia. Are you sure that the new HD channels can be perfectly viewed with a "non-m4rs" receiver? We only use frequencies 12548V, 12631V, and 12671V. Can you confirm that with a V8X receiver without m4rs, you can receive ALL the channels on those three frequencies? What about a V8 Pro2?

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Re: Add new channels to Hispasat 30W in biss code

Post by panzoncity »

Please, if its possible, please share a pic showing a channel scan at 12548 12631 and 12671 please.

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Re: Add new channels to Hispasat 30W in biss code

Post by STRETCH »

Yes, i can confirm that the channels on transponders 12548V 29600 / 12631V 30000 / 12671V 30000, when scanned can be view with a V8X receiver that does not have m4rs software.
Some of the channels that i view are on these transponders, Paramount / Engery / Disney / Nova / Boing plus a few more.
Just for info the HEVC channels on 11222H 30000 also works with the V8X, the other receiver that you have, i do not know, i do not have that model.

Will put photo's up within the next half hour.

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Re: Add new channels to Hispasat 30W in biss code

Post by panzoncity »

A million thanks to you. I was thinking that my family would need to buy a new receiver.

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Re: Add new channels to Hispasat 30W in biss code

Post by STRETCH »

Glad to help.
Let us know how you get on, with all the changes that have gone on.


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Re: Add new channels to Hispasat 30W in biss code

Post by STRETCH »

Just checked the spec of the V8 Pro 2, you should be able to view the channels, that you were viewing before the change to HD.
Just press the (information) button on the remote and see what you get, or you may just have to do a rescan to bring in the HD channels, then arrange them into the order that you require them, then delete the SD channels.


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