GTMedia V8 Finder Pro 2 - RC and MMPlayer-Steering


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GTMedia V8 Finder Pro 2 - RC and MMPlayer-Steering

Post by MacGyver-RDA »

Hello and good afternoon,

I have two questions:

1. bard AI I asked if there is a remote control for the finder point the answer was yes there is a remote control for the finder. Is this really true?

2. how is the media player controlled without remote control i have already tried all possible buttons i have only found out that you can use the okay button and then move a cursor bar to the left and right in the index scroll bar and somehow jump by 10 or 30 seconds. Confusingly, however, a small line with the normal media key functions appears underneath: rewind, jump back, play, pause, jump forward, fast forward. I have tried to control the small buttons with the cursor but it didn't work...

How can I control the small buttons or how can I use all functions of the media player?

Many thanks in advance!

PS: when using a remote control, the buttons listed would be on the remote control by default...

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Re: GTMedia V8 Finder Pro 2 - RC and MMPlayer-Steering

Post by Feralkiwi »

There is no remote for the finder.

The software is the same as from a normal set top box, so the control bar you see is for that.
I think if you use the up down left right, the control function will be highlighted and press OK then actions that control.

Dishes; 3x3m, 2.4m and 4.1m, 10+ ku, 2 movers, USARLS. V8 Combo, Pro, V8 Golden, Nova V8Pro2, GTC, Super.V7HDs, Combo and V7s V7Plus Finder, Finder-Meter V8X / UHD V7Pro GT/XCombo. Sats 100.5E to 177W. I'm a Sat hobbyist who helps out.

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Re: GTMedia V8 Finder Pro 2 - RC and MMPlayer-Steering

Post by MacGyver-RDA »


I've tried several things, and I believe there is a software issue because the individual small buttons cannot be accessed. I had a similar device before, and those small buttons were accessible, but it doesn't work on this one. There seems to be an error. Currently, I can only navigate to the index bar and jump forward and backward by a certain number of seconds, which is very inefficient. I think it's a bug, as mentioned. One should check again to make sure that the individual buttons can be selected using the cursor keys. It's quite apparent that it's not working; neither up, down, left, nor right is steering the small buttons that should be accessed. If they were accessible, their color would change, but currently, they only appear in yellow.

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